raghav awasthi

raghav awasthi

PhD Student, Artificial Intelligence for Public Health
Predicting Emerging Themes in Rapidly Expanding COVID-19 Literature With Unsupervised Word Embeddings and Machine Learning: Evidence-Based Study

Evidence from peer-reviewed literature is the cornerstone for designing responses to global threats such as COVID-19. In massive and rapidly growing corpuses, such as COVID-19 publications, assimilating and synthesizing information is challenging. Leveraging a robust computational pipeline that evaluates multiple aspects, such as network topological features, communities, and their temporal trends, can make this process more efficient.

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Ridam Pal, Harshita Chopra, Raghav Awasthi, Harsh Bandhey, Aditya Nagori, Amogh Gulati, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tavpritesh Sethi

A Prospectively Validated Generalizable Model for Outcome Prognostication Using Shock Index in Intensive Care Units

Delays in identification of critical events in intensive care contribute to irreversible organ dysfunction and mortality(1). Shock Index(SI), calculated as the ratio of heart-rate and systolic blood pressure is a validated indicator for bedside examination, risk stratification, and prognostication(2,3). SI was originally designed for the evaluation of hemodynamic stability, with values >0.7 indicating shock. Shock is one of the highest contributors to higher mortality rates and SI has been used for the assessment of Shock in ICUs(4). The mortality rate in patients who develop shock in ICU is as high as 34% in developing countries(5). While in developing countries in Europe and North America the mortality rates are at 38% due to septic shock(6) Thus, prediction and early identification of Shock Index abnormality can help in initiating early life-saving therapies to prevent shock related mortality.(7). Early identification is critical for appropriate management(1), improved patient outcomes, and reduction of mortality(8–10).

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Aditya Nagori, Pradeep Singh, Sameena Firdos, Vanshika Vats, Arushi Gupta, Harsh Bandhey, Anushtha Kalia, Arjun Sharma, Prakriti Ailavadi, Raghav Awasthi, Wrik Bhadra, Ayushmaan Kaul, Rakesh Lodha, Tavpritesh Sethi

VacSIM: Learning effective strategies for COVID-19 vaccine distribution using reinforcement learning

A COVID-19 vaccine is our best bet for mitigating the ongoing onslaught of the pandemic. However, vaccine is also expected to be a limited resource. An optimal allocation strategy, especially in countries with access inequities and temporal separation of hot-spots, might be an effective way of halting the disease spread. We approach this problem by proposing a novel pipeline VacSIM that dovetails Deep Reinforcement Learning models into a Contextual Bandits approach for optimizing the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine. Whereas the Reinforcement Learning models suggest better actions and rewards, Contextual Bandits allow online modifications that may need to be implemented on a day-to-day basis in the real world scenario. We evaluate this framework against a naive allocation approach of distributing vaccine proportional to the incidence of COVID-19 cases in five different States across India (Assam, Delhi, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Nagaland) and demonstrate up to 9039 potential infections prevented and a significant increase in the efficacy of limiting the spread over a period of 45 days through the VacSIM approach. Our models and the platform are extensible to all states of India and potentially across the globe. We also propose novel evaluation strategies including standard compartmental model-based projections and a causality-preserving evaluation of our model. Since all models carry assumptions that may need to be tested in various contexts, we open source our model VacSIM and contribute a new reinforcement learning environment compatible with OpenAI gym to make it extensible for real-world applications across the globe.

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Raghav Awasthi, Keerat Kaur Guliani, Saif Ahmad Khan, Aniket Vashishtha, Mehrab Singh Gill, Arshita Bhatt, Aditya Nagori, Aniket Gupta, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tavpritesh Sethi

Generalized Prediction of Hemodynamic Shock in Intensive Care Units

Early prediction of hemodynamic shock in the ICU can save lives. Several studies have leveraged a combination of vitals, lab investigations, and clinical data to construct early warning systems for shock. However, these have a limited potential of generalization to diverse settings due to reliance on non-real-time data. Monitoring data from vitals can provide an early real-time prediction of Hemodynamic shock which can precede the clinical diagnosis to guide early therapy decisions. Generalization across age and geographical context is an unaddressed challenge. In this retrospective observational study, we built real-time shock prediction models generalized across age groups (adult and pediatric), ICU-types, and geographies. We trained, validated, and tested a shock prediction model on the publicly available eICU dataset on 208 ICUs across the United States. Data from 156 hospitals passed the eligibility criteria for cohort building. These were split hospital-wise in a five-fold training-validation-test set. External validation of the model was done on a pediatric ICU in New Delhi and MIMIC-III database with more than 0.23 million and one million patient-hours vitals data, respectively. Our models identified 92% of all the shock events more than 8 hours in advance with AUROC of 86 %(SD= 1.4) and AUPRC of 93% (SD =1.2) on the eICU testing set. An AUROC of 87 % (SD =1.8), AUPRC 92 % (SD=1.6) were obtained in external validation on the MIMIC-III cohort. The New Delhi Pediatric SafeICU data achieved an AUROC of 87 % (SD =4) AUPRC 91% (SD=3), despite being completely different geography and age group. In this first, we demonstrate a generalizable model for predicting shock, and algorithms are publicly available as a pre-configured Docker environment at https://github.com/tavlab-iiitd/ShoQPred.

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Aditya Nagori, Pradeep Singh, Sameena Firdos, Vanshika Vats, Arushi Gupta, Harsh Bandhey, Anushtha Kalia, Arjun Sharma, Prakriti Ailavadi, Raghav Awasthi, Wrik Bhadra, Ayushmaan Kaul, Rakesh Lodha, Tavpritesh Sethi

Predicting Emerging Themes in Rapidly Expanding COVID-19 Literature with Dynamic Word Embedding Networks and Machine Learning

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Ridam Pal, Harshita Chopra, Raghav Awasthi, Harsh Bandhey, Aditya Nagori, Amogh Gulati, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tavpritesh Sethi

Predicting Emerging Themes in Rapidly Expanding COVID-19 Literature with Dynamic Word Embedding Networks and Machine Learning

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Ridam Pal, Harshita Chopra, Raghav Awasthi, Harsh Bandhey, Aditya Nagori, Amogh Gulati, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tavpritesh Sethi

Generalized Prediction of Shock in Intensive Care Units using Deep Learning

Shock is a major killer in the ICU and Deep learning based early predictions can potentially save lives. Generalization across age and geographical context is an unaddressed challenge. In this retrospective observational study, we built real-time shock prediction models generalized across age groups and continents. More than 1.5 million patient-hours of novel data from a pediatric ICU in New Delhi and 5 million patient-hours from the adult ICU MIMIC database were used to build models. We achieved model generalization through a novel fractal deep-learning approach and predicted shock up to 12 hours in advance. Our deep learning models showed a receiver operating curve (AUROC) drop from 78% (95%CI, 73-83) on MIMIC data to 66% (95%CI, 54-78) on New Delhi data, outperforming standard machine learning by nearly a 10% gap. Therefore, better representations and deep learning can partly address the generalizability-gap of ICU prediction models trained across geographies. Our data and algorithms are publicly available as a pre-configured docker environment at https://github.com/SAFE-ICU/ShoQPred.

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Aditya Nagori, Anushtha Kalia, Arjun Sharma, Pradeep Singh, Harsh Bandhey, Prakriti Ailavadi, Raghav Awasthi, Wrik Bhadra, Ayushmaan Kaul, Rakesh Lodha, Tavpritesh Sethi

VacSIM: Learning Effective Strategies for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution using Reinforcement Learning

A COVID-19 vaccine is our best bet for mitigating the ongoing onslaught of the pandemic. However, vaccine is also expected to be a limited resource. An optimal allocation strategy, especially in countries with access inequities and temporal separation of hot-spots, might be an effective way of halting the disease spread. We approach this problem by proposing a novel pipeline VacSIM that dovetails Deep Reinforcement Learning models into a Contextual Bandits approach for optimizing the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine. Whereas the Reinforcement Learning models suggest better actions and rewards, Contextual Bandits allow online modifications that may need to be implemented on a day-to-day basis in the real world scenario. We evaluate this framework against a naive allocation approach of distributing vaccine proportional to the incidence of COVID-19 cases in five different States across India (Assam, Delhi, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Nagaland) and demonstrate up to 9039 potential infections prevented and a significant increase in the efficacy of limiting the spread over a period of 45 days through the VacSIM approach. Our models and the platform are extensible to all states of India and potentially across the globe. We also propose novel evaluation strategies including standard compartmental model-based projections and a causality-preserving evaluation of our model. Since all models carry assumptions that may need to be tested in various contexts, we open source our model VacSIM and contribute a new reinforcement learning environment compatible with OpenAI gym to make it extensible for real-world applications across the globe. (this http URL).

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Raghav Awasthi, Keerat Kaur Guliani, Arshita Bhatt, Mehrab Singh Gill, Aditya Nagori, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tavpritesh Sethi

Learning the Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 in the United States with Explainable Artificial Intelligence

COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected the health, economic, and social fabric of nations. Identification of individual-level susceptibility factors may help people in identifying and managing their emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

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Indra Prakash Jha, Raghav Awasthi, Ajit Kumar, Vibhor Kumar, Tavpritesh Sethi

Temperature and Humidity Do Not Influence Global COVID-19 Incidence as Inferred from Causal Models

The relationship between meteorological factors such as temperature and humidity with COVID-19 incidence is still unclear after 6 months of the beginning of the pandemic. Some literature confirms the association of temperature with disease transmission while some oppose the same. This work intends to determine whether there is a causal association between temperature, humidity and Covid-19 cases. Three different causal models were used to capture stochastic, chaotic and symbolic natured time-series data and to provide a robust & unbiased analysis by constructing networks of causal relationships between the variables. Granger-Causality method, Transfer Entropy method & Convergent Cross-Mapping (CCM) was done on data from regions with different temperatures and cases greater than 50,000 as of 13th May 2020. From the Granger-Causality test we found that in only Canada, the United Kingdom, temperature and daily new infections are causally linked. The same results were obtained from Convergent Cross Mapping for India. Again using Granger-Causality test, we found that in Russia only, relative humidity is causally linked to daily new cases. Thus, a Generalized Additive Model with a smoothing spline function was fitted for these countries to understand the directionality. Using the combined results of the said models, we were able to conclude that there is no evidence of a causal association between temperature, humidity and Covid-19 cases.

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Raghav Awasthi, Aditya Nagori, Pradeep Singh, Ridam Pal, Vineet Joshi, Tavpritesh Sethi

A Counterfactual Graphical Model Reveals Economic and Sociodemographic Variables as Key Determinants of Country-Wise COVID-19 Burden

The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which originated in China months back, has dramatically enveloped the global population crossing all boundaries and borders, infecting more than 5 million people and causing more than 300,000 deaths as on 21 May 2020. The distinct difference in the disease burden (including infectivity and mortality) between the regions across the globe is an enigma. Despite harboring 60% of the global population, Asia accounts for only ~18% global cases and <10% global mortality due to COVID-192. Western Europe (Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom) and USA account for about 50% and 70% of global cases and mortality despite the fact that China continued to contribute to >80% of global cases till the end of March first week. Currently, the two most populous countries in the World- India and China (accounting for 35% global population) together account for less than 4% and 3% global cases and mortality, respectively. These observations have displayed a temporal consistency with almost similar country-wise distribution of cases over the 1-month period, highlighting the impact of consistent factors which govern these epidemiologic associations

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Tavpritesh Sethi, Saurabh Kedia, Raghav Awasthi, Rakesh Lodha, Vineet Ahuja

Less Wrong COVID-19 Projections With Interactive Assumptions

COVID-19 pandemic is an enigma with uncertainty caused by biological and health systems factors. Although many models have been developed all around the world, transparent models that allow interacting with the assumptions will become more important as we test various strategies for lockdown, testing and social interventions and enable effective policy decisions. In this paper we developed a suite of models to guide development of policies under different scenarios when the lockdown opens. These had been deployed to create an interactive dashboard called COVision which includes the Agent based Models (ABM) and classical compartmental models i.e. Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) and Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) approaches. Our tool allows simulation of scenarios by changing strength of lockdown, basic reproduction number(R0), asymptomatic spread, testing rate, contact rate (Beta), recovery rate (Gamma), incubation period and starting number of cases. We optimized ABMs and classical compartmental models to fit the actual data, both of which performed well in terms of R-squared, root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Out of the three models in our suite, ABM was able to capture the data better than SIR and SEIR and achieved an RSQ of 92.3% for India and 89% for Maharashtra for the next 30 days. We also computed R0 using SIR and SEIR models which were found to be decreasing over the different periods of lockdown indicating the effectiveness of policies and interventions. Finally, we formulated ICU bed requirements using our best models. Our evaluation suggests that ABM models were able to capture the dynamic nature of the epidemic for a longer duration of time while classical SIR and SEIR models performed inefficiently for longer terms. The visual interactivity and ability to simulate outcomes under different parameters will allow the policymakers to make informed decisions for estimating the strength of lockdown to be implemented and testing rates. Further, our models were able to highlight the differences at state level for the parameters such as R0 and contact rates and hence can be applied for state specific decision making. An interactive dashboard http://covision.tavlab.iiitd.edu.in have been hosted as a web-server for the war level monitoring of the covid19 pandemic in India in public domain

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Aditya Nagori, Raghav Awasthi, Vineet Joshi, Suryatej Reddy Vyalla, Akhil Jarodia, Chandan Gupta, Amogh Gulati, Harsh Bandhey, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tavpritesh Sethi

CovidNLP: A Web Application for Distilling Systemic Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic with Natural Language Processing

The flood of conflicting COVID-19 research has revealed that COVID-19 continues to be an enigma. Although more than 14,000 research articles on COVID-19 have been published with the disease taking a pandemic proportion, clinicians and researchers are struggling to distill knowledge for furthering clinical management and research. In this study, we address this gap for a targeted user group, i.e. clinicians, researchers, and policymakers by applying natural language processing to develop a CovidNLP dashboard in order to speed up knowledge discovery. The WHO has created a repository of about more than 5000 peer-reviewed and curated research articles on varied aspects including epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, social factors, and economics. We summarised all the articles in the WHO Database through an extractive summarizer followed by an exploration of the feature space using word embeddings which were then used to visualize the summarized associations of COVID-19 as found in the text. Clinicians, researchers, and policymakers will not only discover the direct effects of COVID-19 but also the systematic implications such as the anticipated rise in TB and cancer mortality due to the non-availability of drugs during the export lockdown as highlighted by our models. These demonstrate the utility of mining massive literature with natural language processing for rapid distillation and knowledge updates. This can help the users understand, synthesize, and take pre-emptive action with the available peer-reviewed evidence on COVID-19. Our models will be continuously updated with new literature and we have made our resource CovidNLP publicly available in a user-friendly fashion at http://covidnlp.tavlab.iiitd.edu.in/.

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Raghav Awasthi, Ridam Pal, Harshita Chopra, Harsh Bandhey, Pradeep Singh, Aditya Nagori, Suryatej Reddy, Amogh Gulati, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tavpritesh Sethi

CovidNLP: A Web Application for Distilling Systemic Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic with Natural Language Processing

The flood of conflicting COVID-19 research has revealed that COVID-19 continues to be an enigma. Although more than 14,000 research articles on COVID-19 have been published with the disease taking a pandemic proportion, clinicians and researchers are struggling to distill knowledge for furthering clinical management and research. In this study, we address this gap for a targeted user group, i.e. clinicians, researchers, and policymakers by applying natural language processing to develop a CovidNLP dashboard in order to speed up knowledge discovery. The WHO has created a repository of about more than 5000 peer-reviewed and curated research articles on varied aspects including epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, social factors, and economics. We summarised all the articles in the WHO Database through an extractive summarizer followed by an exploration of the feature space using word embeddings which were then used to visualize the summarized associations of COVID-19 as found in the text. Clinicians, researchers, and policymakers will not only discover the direct effects of COVID-19 but also the systematic implications such as the anticipated rise in TB and cancer mortality due to the non-availability of drugs during the export lockdown as highlighted by our models. These demonstrate the utility of mining massive literature with natural language processing for rapid distillation and knowledge updates. This can help the users understand, synthesize, and take pre-emptive action with the available peer-reviewed evidence on COVID-19. Our models will be continuously updated with new literature and we have made our resource CovidNLP publicly available in a user-friendly fashion at http://covidnlp.tavlab.iiitd.edu.in/.

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Raghav Awasthi, Ridam Pal, Harshita Chopra, Harsh Bandhey, Pradeep Singh, Aditya Nagori, Suryatej Reddy, Amogh Gulati, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tavpritesh Sethi